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James' Selected Products

Here is a useful recap of the products that James has selected for his Umina Granny Flat.

An extended webpage with room-by-room itemised images will be published after the final episode (the reveal) of the online series.


The external cladding of the house - Zeno-Clad™ by NO1 ROOFING (in Colorbond Deep Ocean™)

The roofing - OneCorry™ by NO1 ROOFING (in Colorbond Dover White™)

The blocks of the raised garden bed - Masonry Blocs porcelain honed by BRICKWORKS

The pavers of the driveway - Turf Standard PAvers by BRICKWORKS

The boards of the decking - Xtreme Guard Sandy Bay by MODWOOD

The front door paint colour - Foxy Lady (semi-gloss) by TAUBMANS

The front door handle - Digital Smart Lever Set from KEELER HARDWARE

The cladding of the alfresco - Fusion Smooth panels by WEATHERTEX

The timber for the pergola from WALKER BROS Gosford

The outdoor furniture from KAVE HOME


The timber flooring - Hybrid Burra A8 'Creek' by FLOORING XTRA

The feature walls cladding - Weathergroove 75mm Woodsman panels by WEATHERTEX

The feature walls paint - Blue Book by James Treble with TAUBMANS (low sheen)

The main walls paint - Crisp White (low sheen) by TAUBMANS

The skirting and architraves - Bevel from WALKER BROS Gosford

The electrical appliances from SIGNATURE APPLIANCES

The ceiling skylights - Acrylic Tubelight for Corrugated Iron from NO1 ROOFING

The aircon system - Hiwall Inv 3.5kw Rev Cycle Rp by RINNAI

The kitchen joinery - Venette Habitat by POLYTEC

The kitchen and laundry sink - Quadro (Fucile finish) by PARISI

The kitchen and laundry mixer - Envy 30 round spout (Fucile finish) by PARISI

The kitchen and laundry joinery handles - MOMO Ona Lip pull handles white from KEELER HARDWARE

The kitchen and laundry benchtop - QUANTUM QUARTZ Verde Fantastico from WK STONE

The laundry joinery - Woodmatt Prime Oak by POLYTEC

The laundry bifold doors by CENTRAL COAST KITCHENS & WARDROBES

The laundry doors handles - Brave Bow by MOMO Handles

The laundry splash-back tiles - Rice Blue from CENTRAL COAST TILE AND STONE WAREHOUSE

The bathroom floor tiles - Vogue White 300x600 from CENTRAL COAST TILE AND STONE WAREHOUSE

The bathroom wall tiles - Kit Kat White from CENTRAL COAST TILE AND STONE WAREHOUSE

The bathroom tap-ware - Slim II (Fucile finish) by PARISI

The bathroom basin - Catino bench by PARISI

The bathroom accessories - Tondo range (Fucile finish) by PARISI

The bathroom ceiling light/fan/heater - Airflow Ensuite by CLIPSAL

The light switches and power points - Iconic Essence Arctic White by CLIPSAL

The internal doors from WALKER BROS Gosford

The internal doors paint colour - Crisp White (water based enemel semi-gloss) by TAUBMANS

The internal doors' handles - Stylo (Fucile finish) by PARISI

The internal doors hinges - Interfold Hinges in Gunmetal by KEELER HARDWARE

The dining and living room furniture by KAVE HOME

The master bedroom furniture from BEDSHED Tuggerah

The mattresses from BEDSHED Tuggerah

The curtains and blinds from Abbey Shutters

The ceiling fans - Infinity-iD DC White & Beechwood by FANCO

The hot water system  - Enviroflo Heatpump 250L by RINNAI

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